This page last changed on Dec 07, 2004 by scytacki.
Diagnostic Formative Summative
T-charts Performance Assessments Written Assessment
(What have we heard- (Completion of hands-on task) (standardized or open-ended)
What questions do we have)    
Drawings Predictions Transfer Performance Assessments
(How the model works) (Either in words or on graphs) (Problem-solving tasks)
Surveys or Questionnaires Observations Rubrics
(Identifies alternative views) (Explanations of visual phenomenon) (Leveling achievement)
Concept Maps Drawings Scenario
(Demonstrates the connections) (Demonstrating student models) (Collaborative student solutions to real world problem)
Conceptual Probe or Collaborative Questions Written assessment Student Presentations
(Multiple choice with justification) (Answering specific questions based on results of the data collection) (Summarizing activity for peer defense)
Q-M-S Strategy Conceptual Probe or Collaborative Questions K-W-L Strategy
Q-questions M-means S-solution Q-questions not given M-means not given S-solution not given) (Multiple choice with justification) (K-what we know or what we have heard W- determining what we want to learn L-recalling and discussing what we have learned)"
K-W-L Strategy Journal  
(K-what we know or what we have heard W- determining what we want to learn L-recalling and discussing what we have learned) (Document student thinking and reflection)  
  Design Protocol  
  (Student experimental design)  
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:43